Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Summer Fun

Summer Smiles

Pair up a Popsicle® ice pop with one of these mini activities, and the smiles will last all summer long!

Slow Melt Beat-The-Clock

See how long the fun lasts! Using a clock with a seconds hand, time your kids as they eat their Popsicle® Slow Melt ice pops. The SLOWEST slurper wins!

Brain Freeze

For every slurp of an ice pop, ask your child to name an object that's the same color as the pop. OR name a different famous person. OR a friend or family member. You get the idea. To make the fun last even longer, use Slow Melt pops!

Pop Art

Hang a big piece of white paper on a wall in your home, and leave a glue stick nearby. Every time you or your kids finish a pop, glue it to the paper. You can even write the date and flavor on it! Pretty soon, you'll have an abstract masterpiece filled with fun summer memories.

Guess The Pop

Next time your kids reach for a Popsicle® ice pop, test their psychic powers. Tell them to close their eyes and guess what flavor ice pop they'll score from the box. If they guess right, they earn respect points for the rest of the day.

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