Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Brand Spanking New

Welcome. I am Lady Mischief. I am a voracious reader and I am very opinionated about what I like and what I don't like. I hope you will visit me often and share your views with me.

In the past I have been known to read as many as two or three books a day, but life has caught up with me, or as some would say, I now have a life (?) and only read two or three books a week. As a result I am promising just one review a week.

Each Sunday morning there will be a new review posted. But there may be an extra review or two throughout the week as an added bonus, if I am lucky and can read incessantly.

I will not only be reviewing the latest releases, but also books that have been sitting on my TBR (To Be Read) shelf for ages, e-books, audio books, self-published books, whatever falls into my greedy little book bag.

I am going to have a rating system. . Five (5) equals a totally awesome book. A book, I believe in my egocentric way, everyone should love. Four (4) means a great book. A must read by anyone's standards. A book earns three (3) by being a good book. A book any author would be proud of writing. Two (2) is maybe okay. I didn't particularly care for it. There may have been mechanical problems. Bad editing, names changing mid-book, etc. One (1) this book is a wallbanger. If a book doesn't receive a you can imagine why.

Every book I read begins with a baseline of three rating. The rating goes up and/or down as I read. I believe every book I am going to read is a good book, until proven otherwise. If I don't set my expectations too high by expecting every book to be a four or a five I will not be disappointed, in fact I am more likely to be pleasantly surprised.

I chose
as a ratings meter because they are suckable, bite-able, yummy, and refreshing. Just what you need to help cool you off.

In the weeks and months to come there will be contests and quotes, interviews and give-aways. Be sure to visit often. Whenever you leave a comment with your name and e-mail address you will automatically be entered into the contest ending that Saturday at midnight eastern time.

I am planning to have a lot of fun with this, I hope it will be fun for you too.

Yours forever between the covers of a book,
Lady Mischief

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